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Apr 30, 2017

Ever since Easter this year, my 4-year-old son Jacob has been asking: when will the Easter bunny come back? He's already forgotten the gifts of this Easter and is looking to the next. Do you feel this way about Easter already? The eggs and candy are over and now it's time for what's next? If so ... take a moment to...

Apr 23, 2017

Not just a one-time event or annual celebration, Easter continues…and, yet, do we see it this week just like last week? In truth, we notice what we look for. Our Road from Emmaus beckons, will we see Jesus on our walk? Jesus walks on…ready to bring peace and lead us out. Let’s lift our eyes above ourselves to see...

Apr 17, 2017

Bob Mooney | Easter comes this year at a time that might not be aligned with great joy in our personal lives. And yet the message of Easter is perfectly timed and quite simple. God loves you. God gives you grace. God calls you by name. God tells you, today, that in this sometimes messy world you will never be alone!

Apr 17, 2017

Angela Denker | This Easter season, we've been talking about how to experience God. But you may come to church with the same question Jesus' disciples asked as they ran to his tomb. Where is God? Where is Jesus? In the face of violence and fear, today Easter reminds us that God is HERE. And that the Great I AM...

Apr 10, 2017

It will be a crazy week as we travel with Jesus from triumphant celebration on Sunday to the darkness of human despair that comes by crucifixion on Friday. As we ponder the transformation, we become aware of Jesus’ hands: rugged, still sensitive; powerful, yet yielding; totally wrecked, and ultimately restored. Looking...