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Aug 28, 2022

Something inside us longs for change....bridging the gap between who we are and who we are made to be. How do we change? Jesus, an expert on transformation, has shared a framework for it: teaching + practice = change. #Practice #WayOfJesus #TheGoodLife #messiahyl

Aug 14, 2022

The old testament prophet, Jeremiah, delivered a message to God's people. He painted a picture of the kind of community God wanted Israel (and us) to be: people who act with justice and righteousness and who deliver the alien, orphan, and widow from the hand of the oppressor. #DoRight #LoveOneAnother #messiahyl

Aug 7, 2022

What is love and what does love have to do with faith? Jesus gave himself for us, in love...and over time we become more Chrstlike, in love. Loving another is a marker and reflection of our faith—bringing glory to God. No one is too far, too evil, too lost to be saved by God. #LoveOneAnother #messiahyl